Saturday, June 9, 2012

The End

Alrighty. This is it. It’s been a good day (had one of the best taxi drivers today, which was a major upper to the day), and we just got back from dinner at Abu Yazin’s (which was so cool! Except I learned that goat milk is... interesting). The programs ending in just a few hours and everyone’s getting ready to go their separate ways. Not for a bit, though. There are still people conked out on the couch and various other places throughout the apartment until the 3 AM departure time for those going back to the US.

This month has been so crazy. I still can’t believe everything that we’ve done. I feel so accomplished, which seems like a really funny thing to say, but it’s true. Whether I look at the this trip from an academic level or from other of the adventures we’ve been on, it’s been a whirl wind.

Coming here with very mediocre Arabic skills and basically no practical Arabic, I can now honestly say that I canget around somewhat efficiently. Jenna and I went shopping today and communicating with all of the shop owners was really cool. We weren’t exactly smooth but almost always we could get the point across. It’s such a great feeling. I really can’t believe what I’ve learned.

And the places that we’ve gone and the things we have seen. I just really can’t believe it. Just in a month, we’ve seen more of this country than many Jordanians have seen in their lives. I really feel redundant from how many times I’ve said this, but it’s so amazing here. So beautiful.

But everything has an end and the countdown begins. In six hours, I’ll be stepping into Palestine. That also means that my blogs end here. So the Israelis will have less to hassle us over, we’re not taking the computer.  

So this is goodbye. See you all on the other side! 

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